Understanding the relationship between CSS height and line-height can help developers create more

Is there a way to use CSS to set the height of a box based on its own line-height or its parent's line-height?

This feature would make it much simpler to create text areas that are a specific multiple of lines, for example, displaying exactly three lines.

I'm looking for a solution that doesn't involve using JavaScript since those tend to be slow and don't work well with layouts that are dynamically re-rendered.

Edit: The line-heights in my situation are specified as unit-less numbers, following the recommendations on MDN. It would be convenient if line-height units weren't necessary to achieve this functionality.

Answer №1

The most recent CSS Level 4 specification introduces a novel unit termed lh, although it has yet to gain widespread support at present.

Furthermore, there exists a rlh unit that functions similarly to the rem unit.

This innovative unit enables developers to limit text display to a specific number of lines, such as displaying only 3 lines of text.

.container {
  height: 3lh;
  overflow: hidden;

Answer №2

It appears there may be some confusion regarding the question, but have you considered utilizing relative units like ems?

For instance, if the line height is set to 2ems (or no unit at all) and you wish for the box to be 3 "lines" high without padding taken into account, you could establish the height as 6ems. By doing so, the line height adjusts based on the base unit (font size) and the height becomes flexible using the same base unit.

Below is a sample code snippet:

.myBox {
     line-height: 2; // twice the font-size value
     height: 6ems; // equates to 3 lines tall

In SASS, a similar outcome can be achieved with the following code:

$lineheight: 2; 
$numberoflines: 3; 
.myBox {
    line-height: $lineheight;
    height: $lineheight * $numberoflines;

This approach allows for easy modification of values by moving variables to a settings file, eliminating the need to locate and update every selector that utilizes those variables.

Answer №3

Let me share a clever alternative I came up with

<div style="display: flex; border: 1px solid blue">
        This content is contained in a box that spans at least three lines in height.

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