Adding margin padding to a Material UI Navbar: Step-by-step guide

Hey there, I've added buttons to my Navbar from Mui. However, I'm running into an issue where the margin and padding won't change no matter what I do. I'm trying to create some space between them. Please see the code below:

import { useContext } from "react";
import { Cont } from "../Cont";
import "./stylingfolder/Navbar.css";

import { Button } from "@mui/material";
function Navbar(){
  const {setUser}=useContext(Cont)
  function handleLogoutClick() {
    fetch("/logout", { method: "DELETE" }).then((r) => {
      if (r.ok) {

       return( <>
   <nav className="navstyle">
<Button className="lb" href="/about" variant="contained">About</Button>
<Button className="lb" href="/restaurants" variant="contained">Explore</Button>
<Button  className="lb" href="/myreservations" variant="contained">My Reservations</Button>
<Button className="lb" href="/blogs" variant="contained">Blogs</Button>
<Button className="lb" variant="contained" size="large" onClick={handleLogoutClick}>



    background-color: rgb(19, 18, 18);

.navstyle lb{
    margin-top: 12%;

Answer №1

There is a minor error in the selector provided

.navstyle lb{
    padding-top: 12%;

The correct version should be

.navstyle .lb{
    padding: 12px;

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