Turn off the ability to drag on an HTML page

Need help with creating an HTML etch-a-sketch! I have a div container with multiple div elements inside it, all set up with CSS grid display.

HTML structure:

<div id="canvas"></div>

To populate the canvas with div elements, I've used JS:

for(let i =1;i<=256;i++){
    let squareDiv = document.createElement("div");

Unfortunately, the draggable functionality is not working as expected.

When attempting to draw on the canvas by clicking and dragging, instead of drawing, it creates a faint image like this:

Is there a way to disable this drag effect?

Complete JavaScript code for reference:

canvasElement =document.getElementById("canvas")

let isToggling = false;

function enableToggle(e) {
  isToggling = true;

function disableToggle() {
  isToggling = false;

function toggle(e) {
  if (isToggling === false) {

  console.log('toggle:', e.target);


for(let i =1;i<=256;i++){
    let squareDiv = document.createElement("div");


Answer №1

To stop the default behavior in your onmousedown event, make use of e.preventDefault()

Simply insert e.preventDefault() within your enableToggle(e) function

function enableToggle(e) {
  isToggling = true;

If this approach doesn't solve the issue, remember to include it in toggle() and disableToggle() as well

Answer №2

I encountered a similar issue with Etch-A-Sketch and found a solution that worked for me. Just like another user suggested, I also utilized the preventDefault() method, but in my case, I used the HTML attribute ondragstart.

To start off, I created a JS function to trigger the preventDefault() action:

function dragstart (event) {

Next, I added dragstart (event) to all elements within my etch grid. To achieve this, I employed the spread syntax [...nodeList] along with the forEach method within a function that executed immediately after generating my grid squares.

let grid = document.getElementById('grid');

function addSquare () {
let sliderValue = document.getElementById('slider').value;
  for (let i = 0; i < sliderValue ** 2; i++) {
    const square = document.createElement('div');
    square.className = 'square';

function modifyGridProperty () {
  let square = [...document.getElementsByClassName('square')];
  square.forEach(element => {
    element.setAttribute('ondragstart', 'dragstart(event)');

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