What is the best way to assign an image to a div using JavaScript or jQuery?

I'm attempting to create a notification box similar to this one:


As shown, there is a .gif image positioned at the top that will be hidden once the content loads. Now, I want to insert the following image into a <div>:


Below is my code using AJAX:

function notification(){

    $(".notifications_list").html(/* insert this path: /myfolder/img/progress.gif */ );

        url :  '/myweb/files/notification.php',
        dataType : 'JSON',
        success : function (notification_system) {

            $(".notifications_list").html(/* remove progress.gif image */ );

            if(notification_system.success === 1){  

            } else {
                alert('something is wrong');                            



Specifically, I need assistance with the following lines:

$(".notifications_list").html(/* insert this path: /myfolder/img/progress.gif */ );

$(".notifications_list").html(/* remove progress.gif image */ );

How can I achieve this? In other words, how can I add an image by its path to the HTML and then remove it?

Answer №1

Consider using 'prepend' and 'remove' methods...

 $('.notifications_list').prepend('<img class="your_image" src="http://placekitten.com/100/100">')

For removal, you can use...

$('.notifications_list .your_image').remove();

Check out the demo here...

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