Create animated changes in height for a mdDialog as elements are shown or hidden

Utilizing Angular Material, I have implemented tabs within an md-dialog. The dialog smoothly adjusts its height based on the content of the active tab during navigation. However, when utilizing an ng-if directive to toggle visibility of content, there is no smooth animation for the change in dialog height. Is there a method to animate the height transition when showing and hiding elements inside the dialog?

For reference, here is a Codepen showcasing the tabs with a checkbox option to add content:

Answer №1

To display and hide the new content, you will need to implement your own animation. It seems that ngIf does not work smoothly with material dialogs, but ngShow is a good alternative:

Check out this example on CodePen

I made some CSS adjustments and modified your HTML code. I noticed that ngAnimate functions differently in material dialogs, so I included a transition in the main class and added two extra classes in the HTML that are not usually used:

CSS Addition:

.animate-show {
  height: 0;
  background: white;
  overflow: hidden;
  transition: all 0.5s;
}, {
  transition: all 0.5s;

.animate-show:not(.ng-hide) {
  height: 60px;

HTML Change:

<p ng-show="addText" class="animate-show ng-hide ng-hide-animate">

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