Creating a striking two-tone border pattern in an HTML document

Looking to create a design with a straight line that features two colors and a slanted line in between. Here is an example of the desired result:

Answer №1

When the border attribute is a must-have, consider utilizing SVG attributes like "d" to achieve the desired effect:

.stripdiag {
    background: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' version='1.1' preserveAspectRatio='none' viewBox='0 0 100 100'><path d='M0 97 L100 97 L100 100 L0 100 L0 97Z' fill='blue' /><path d='M61 97 L100 97 L100 100 L61 100 L61 97Z' fill='red' /><path d='M60 100 L61 100 L70 1 L69 0 L60 100Z' fill='white' /></svg>");
    height: 120px;
<div class="stripdiag"></div>

Key points to remember:

M x,y Move to specified coordinates x,y

m x,y Move to the right x and down y (or left and up if negative values)

L x,y Draw a straight line to the given coordinates x,y

l x,y Draw a straight line relatively right x and down y (or left and up if negative values)

H x Draw a horizontal line to specific coordinate x

h x Draw a horizontal line relatively to the right x (or to the left if a negative value)

V y Draw a vertical line to exact coordinate y

v y Draw a vertical line relatively down y (or up if a negative value)

Z or z Close the current subpath by connecting the last point of the path with its initial point. If the two points are at different coordinates, a straight line is drawn between them.

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

<div class="striped-bar"></div>

    height: 10px; //adjust the height to your preference
    border-top: 10px solid;
    border-image: linear-gradient(-45deg, purple 30%, white 30.5%, white 31%, 
    white 31.5%, green 32%) 8;

Take a look at an example here:

You may need to tweak the values based on the positioning of your border (top or bottom) and the width of your div. In order to achieve the desired angle, I rotated the gradient by -45 degrees which resulted in the stop points being listed in reverse order. While there might be a better approach, for now, this seems to do the job. The final value after the bracket controls the angle's pitch - higher value = steeper pitch. Experiment with these parameters and you should get the effect you want. Just remember that the key feature here is the border-image property. If you still require assistance, explore this property further.


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