Positioning of vertical linear gradients in CSS

Check out this live demonstration:


I then adjusted the background position to 0px -70px and observed the changes here:


The linear gradient seems to disappear!

Am I doing something wrong, or is this how it's supposed to work? How can I move the linear-gradient with the background-image simultaneously, or keep the linear-gradient fixed?

Thank you.

Answer №1

background-position: 10px -70px, 20px 50px;

This simple code snippet does the job perfectly. By separating multiple background images with commas, you can specify individual positions for each image in a concise manner.

For a live example, check out http://jsfiddle.net/kmepx/8/

I personally find the shorthand version more convenient:

background: <color> img1 pos1 repeat1 attach1, img2 pos2 repeat2 attach2, ... ;

Using this format makes it easier to associate specific positions or repeats with each image using fewer characters.

Pro tip: If a value is set to 0, there's no need to include the unit.

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