I am having issues with Tailwind CSS overriding the responsive padding on my website

I'm currently working on implementing responsive padding for a component. Given that Tailwind CSS follows a mobile-first approach, I have set the mobile padding to p-3, while screens at "md" and larger widths should use p-5. However, it seems like the p-3 class is taking precedence over the md:p-5 class. How can I resolve this issue?

<div className="flex-column flex rounded-3xl bg-slate-100 p-3 md:p-5">

Please refer to the image below for information from developer tools: https://i.sstatic.net/zGNHM.png

Answer №1

Personally, I encountered a similar problem when I combined bootstrap with tailwind.

It's possible that incorporating another CSS framework or library could result in the same issue.

Answer №2

The code is functioning perfectly without any issues. Here's a glimpse of it:

<script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script>
<div class="flex-column flex rounded-3xl bg-slate-100 p-3 md:p-5"></div>

Make sure to test on various screen sizes.

You can monitor the screen size using Chrome Developer Tools logs.

The md breakpoint triggers when the screen width ranges from 768px to 1023px. Keep this in mind while testing.

If you require a narrower screen width, you can utilize the sm breakpoint, which activates when the screen width is between 640px to 767px.

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