JavaScript - Delayed Text Appearance with Smooth Start

I want to create a landing page where the text appears with a slight delay - first, the first line should be displayed followed by the second line. Both lines should have an easing effect as they appear. Below is a screenshot of the section:

The word "Welcome" should show up first, followed by "To the Bullshit Collection". I attempted to follow the advice provided in this treehouse article. However, when implementing Lauren's method, the word "Welcome" doesn't display at all.

Using Rob's approach, the code `}//]]>` immediately appears (without any delay) instead of "Welcome".

Here is the HTML code:

<div class="parallax-window" data-parallax="scroll" data-image-src="/wp-content/themes/TheBullshitCollection/Images/white-background.jpg">
<div class="welcome-div">
    <h3 class="welcome">Welcome</h3>

<div class="to-the-bullshit-collection-div">
    <h3 class="to-the-bullshit-collection">To the Bullshit Collection</h3>

<section id="section5" class="demo">
    <a href="#section5"><span></span>Scroll</a>

CSS styles:

.parallax-window {
height: 100vh;

.welcome {
font-family: Beautiful ES;
font-size: 185px;
font-weight: lighter;

.to-the-bullshit-collection {
font-family: Beautiful ES;
font-size: 185px;
font-weight: lighter; 

#section5 {

#section5 a {
padding-top: 70px;
font-family: PT Sans Narrow;
text-transform: Uppercase;
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000000;

JavaScript snippet:

// JavaScript functions
(function ($, root, undefined) {
$(function () { 
    'use strict';       
    // DOM ready, take it away      
})(jQuery, this);

// Landing page text delay function
function showWelcomeDiv() { 
    document.getElementById("welcome-div").style.display = "inline"; 
// Call the above function after 1 second
setTimeout("showBuyNow()", 1000);

Any insights on what might be causing the issue? Thank you!

Answer №1

Do you find this approach to be more straightforward?

/*WindowOnload Fade-In*/

@keyframes chainReaction {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
  100% {
    opacity: 1;

/*div p {
  animation: chainReaction 2s;
  opacity: 0;
  animation-fill-mode: forwards;

.parallax-window .welcome-page-div {
  animation: chainReaction 3s;
  opacity: 0;
  animation-fill-mode: forwards;
  text-align: center;
  font-family: Beautiful ES;
  font-size: 30px;
  font-weight: lighter;

.parallax-window .welcome-page-div:nth-child(1) {
  animation-delay: .3s;

.parallax-window .welcome-page-div:nth-child(2) {
  animation-delay: 1s;

/*WindowOnload Fade-In*/
<script src=""></script>
<div class="parallax-window" data-parallax="scroll" data-image-src="/wp-content/themes/TheBullshitCollection/Images/white-background.jpg">
  <div class="welcome-page-div">

  <div class="welcome-page-div">
    <h3>To the Bullshit Collection</h3>

  <section id="section5" class="demo">
    <a href="#section5"><span></span>Scroll</a>

Answer №2

If you're looking to add a delay effect to your text, check out this jQuery plugin. See the demonstration here.

After importing jQuery, simply include the script:

<script src=""></script>

Then, use a jQuery selector to target the elements with the desired text:

$('h3').delayText({ sequential: true });

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