Guide on how to retrieve a clicked element

When I click on the <ul> inside this div, I want to retrieve the id="nm".

<div id="suggestionTags">
      <li class="nm">Commonwealth</li>
      <span class="cty"> x GB</span>
      <li class="hse">Commonwealth</li>
      <li class="yrs">1649-1653</li>
      <li class="nm">Oliver Cromwell</li>
      <span class="cty"> x GB</span>
      <li class="hse">Commonwealth</li>
      <li class="yrs">1653-1658</li>
      <li class="nm">Richard Cromwell</li>
      <span class="cty"> x GB</span>
      <li class="hse">Commonwealth</li>
      <li class="yrs">1658-1659</li>
      <li class="nm">Elizabeth II ((Head of the Commonwealth of Nations))</li>
      <span class="cty"> x GB</span>
      <li class="hse">House of Windsor</li>
      <li class="yrs">1952-</li>

Here is a snippet of the JavaScript code:

    alert( $(this).find("li.nm").text() );

However, this code retrieves everything instead of just the id="nm" of the clicked element. Can someone help me with this?


The proposed solutions work well in However, I am still facing a problem with my own code.

    <script language="JavaScript">


//this is the code that does'nt work
            $('#suggestionTags ul').on('click', function() {
//end of part
                var o = [];
                    if ($('#scrivo').val() <= 0) {
                    var json = (function() {
                        var json = null;
                            'async': false,
                            'global': false,
                            'url': "re.json",
                            'dataType': "json",
                            'success': function(data) {
                                json = data;
                        return json.Re;
                    o = $.grep(json, function(n) {
                        return n.nm.indexOf($('#scrivo').val()) !== -1;
                    }, false);
                    var html = "";
                    $.each(o, function(index, value) {
                        html += '<ul>';
                        $.each(value, function(i, v) {
                            switch (i) {
                                case "nm":
                                    html += "<li class='nm'>" + v + "</li>";
                                case "cty":
                                    html += "<span class='cty'> x " + v + "</span>";
                                case "hse":
                                    html += "<li class='hse'>" + v + "</li>";
                                case "yrs":
                                    html += "<li class='yrs'>" + v + "</li>";

This is an overview of my code and the JSON file it interacts with. The issue arises when trying to retrieve only a specific part of the HTML upon clicking, and so far I haven't been able to achieve what I intended. Suggestions or insights are appreciated!

Answer №2

Simply update your jQuery selection method:

View the Fiddle

$("#suggestionTags ul").on('click',function(){
    alert( $(this).find("li.nm").text() );

Answer №3

After extensive research, I have found the perfect solution for my query:

    $('ul').on('click', function() {

I am puzzled as to why other alternatives did not work when integrated into my code, but on their own they perform flawlessly!

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