Challenges related to height

Having an issue with height in my code. My footer is set up like this:

    <div class='wrap'>
        <div class=principal></div>
        <div class='clear'></div>
        <footer><img alt='Logotype' /></footer>





Another approach would be adding margin: 0 auto -50px to the .wrap and moving the footer outside of it.

I want the .principal element to take up the full height, especially when there isn't much content, as I have a component injecting a

<div style='height:100%>insert text and graphics/charts here</div>
into it.

Check out the examples below for better clarity:

Image 1:

Content at 100%

The content (.principal) should occupy 100% height due to the component. When a menu opens, it should match the size of the content (.principal), while keeping the footer at the bottom.

Image 2:

Scrollable Content

If there's more content (whether text or other elements), a scroll should appear while making the footer disappear and keeping the header fixed.

Image 3:

Example Image

At the end of the scroll, the footer should be visible. When the menu is open, it should match the height of the displayed content (i.e., height = window-height-footer).

Is there a way for an element to have a dynamic height of 100%, expanding when necessary?


  • Flexbox model can't be used due to IE8+ compatibility constraints.
  • Height: calc won't work due to Safari and IE limitations.
  • Can't set everything to height:100% because of the footer.
  • Unable to include images due to reputation reasons.

Answer №1

Have you been searching for this solution? Take a look below:


A handy script that ensures your footer remains at the bottom of the page, adjusting with added content. (demo)

Here's an example implementation using this script: (I've also included a fixed navigation) html:

<div id="wrapper">

    <div id="header">
        <div id="nav"></div>
        <div id="content_push" style="width: 100%; height: 50px;"></div> <!-- keeps initial content above nav>
    </div><!-- #header -->

    <div id="content">
        Insert content here<br><br><br><br>
        Insert content here<br><br><br><br>
        Insert content here<br><br><br><br>
        Insert content here<br><br><br><br>
    </div><!-- #content -->

    <div id="footer">
    </div><!-- #footer -->

</div><!-- #wrapper -->


body {
#wrapper {
#header {

    width: 100%;
    height: 50px;
    position: fixed;
    background-color: green;
#content {
    padding-bottom:100px; /* Adjust based on footer height */
#footer {

Give it a try:

Answer №2

It's not clear to me what you're asking. Are you looking for a sticky footer?

html, body { height: 100%; }
#wrap { min-height: 100%; height: auto !important; height: 100%; margin: 0 auto -50px; }
#footer, #push { margin: 0 auto; height: 50px; }
  <div id="wrap">
    your content goes here
    <div id="push"></div>
  <div id="footer">Your footer</div>

Answer №3

Here is some useful information for you.

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
body { height:100%; width: 100%; position: absolute; }
header { height: 50px; width: 100%; position: fixed; }
.principal { min-height: 100%; width: 100%; }
footer { height:50px; width:100%; }
<header style="background: green;"></header>
<div class='principal' style="background: red;"></div>
<footer style="background: blue;"></footer>

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