Anchoring links on a webpage that provide users with a clear indication of their current position within the page

In the scenario of a single-page website with various sections (divs) and a header containing links to different anchors on the page, there is a desire to have an indicator highlight which anchor the user is currently viewing. An example of this can be seen on this website.

Answer №1

If you're looking to add some interactivity to your website, consider using the powerful :hover CSS selector ( Another option is to include a title attribute on links for creating handy tooltips.


After reading through your feedback, it seems like you're interested in replicating the "Page Indicator" found at the bottom right of the reference website.

To achieve this effect, simply tweak the CSS of the targeted indicator when switching active divs. Check out this straightforward example:

Keep in mind that if you're open to utilizing jQuery or a similar library, handling animations, class toggling, and other functionalities needed to imitate this feature become much more streamlined.

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