What is the best way to apply CSS max-left or min-left positioning to an absolute element?

I currently have an element with the CSS properties:

left: 70%;

Is there a way to restrict this element from moving more than 900px from the left side? Similar to max-width but for positioning?

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you can implement it using CSS3 Media Queries

Here's how:

#element {
  left: 70%;

To prevent overlay on smaller screens or window resizing, you can add the following code:

@media all and (max-width: 980px) {
        margin-left: 0px;
        left: 220px;

When the screen width is less than 980px, the #element object will be set at a fixed position of 220px.

Answer №2

Utilizing the min() function in CSS allowed me to achieve this.

This method is effective for me because the object I need to position on the right side has a consistent width.

Here's how I implemented it...

#rightFloatyThing {
    left: min( calc(100vw - 278px) , 1002px );

The floaty thing on the right side has a width of 278px. My goal is to ensure that it always remains within view by setting its left position to be at least the viewport width minus the floaty thing's width.

Furthermore, I've defined 1002px as the maximum distance to the right where I want the floaty thing to reach.

Edit: Be sure to consult the Can I Use tool for CSS math functions. Some major browsers did not support this feature until early 2020.

Answer №3

To achieve this using CSS, the solution is to eliminate absolute positioning and instead use float to align the element to the right.

Create an empty "pusher" div floated to the left with a width of 70% and a minimum width of 900px. Then position your element next to it.

If not, resorting to Javascript would be necessary.

Answer №4

Another option is to enclose the absolutely positioned element within a relatively positioned element that includes a min-width property.

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