Is there a way to adjust the selected color of a TextField?

I'm currently working with the Material-UI React library and I am trying to customize the border color of a TextField when it is clicked or in focus.

This is my attempt so far:

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  input: {
    borderWidth: '1px',
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    '& .MuiOutlinedInput-input:focused': {
      borderColor: 'green',

However, despite my efforts, the borderColor remains blue. How can I resolve this issue?

Answer №1

How to Customize Focus Color in Material-UI v5

If you're looking to change the focus color of the TextField in Material-UI v5, you can do so by utilizing the color props. However, this method has its limitations as it only accepts predefined values. If you wish to use a custom color, you can implement the following code snippet:

'primary' | 'secondary' | 'error' | 'info' | 'success' | 'warning'

To set a specific color as the focus color, you can use the provided code snippet:

const CssTextField = styled(TextField, {
  shouldForwardProp: (props) => props !== "focusColor"
})((p) => ({
  // input label when focused
  "& label.Mui-focused": {
    color: p.focusColor
  // focused color for input with variant='standard'
  "& .MuiInput-underline:after": {
    borderBottomColor: p.focusColor
  // focused color for input with variant='filled'
  "& .MuiFilledInput-underline:after": {
    borderBottomColor: p.focusColor
  // focused color for input with variant='outlined'
  "& .MuiOutlinedInput-root": {
    "&.Mui-focused fieldset": {
      borderColor: p.focusColor


<CssTextField focusColor='red' />


Customizing Input Styles in Material-UI v4

In Material-UI v4, you can modify the focused color border and label of the TextField using the following approach:

const focusedColor = "orange";
const useStyles = makeStyles({
  root: {
    // input label when focused
    "& label.Mui-focused": {
      color: focusedColor
    // focused color for input with variant='standard'
    "& .MuiInput-underline:after": {
      borderBottomColor: focusedColor
    // focused color for input with variant='filled'
    "& .MuiFilledInput-underline:after": {
      borderBottomColor: focusedColor
    // focused color for input with variant='outlined'
    "& .MuiOutlinedInput-root": {
      "&.Mui-focused fieldset": {
        borderColor: focusedColor
export default function CustomizedInputs() {
  const classes = useStyles();

  return (
    <div style={{ display: "flex", columnGap: 15 }}>
      <TextField className={classes.root} variant="outlined" />
      <TextField className={classes.root} variant="standard" />
      <TextField className={classes.root} variant="filled" />


Answer №2

With the sx props of the Mui Textfield, you have the ability to modify the color of the outline when focused by using the following code:

const customStyle = {
  "& .MuiOutlinedInput-root": {
    "&.Mui-focused fieldset": {
      borderColor: "green"

<TextField sx={customStyle} ...(other props)/>

To also change the color of the label when the field is focused, include this additional code in the style variable:

const updatedStyle = {
  "& label.Mui-focused": {
    color: "green"
  "& .MuiOutlinedInput-root": {
    "&.Mui-focused fieldset": {
      borderColor: "green"

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