The fillOpacity and opacity properties appear to be malfunctioning

Note: While I understand that image masking can solve my issue, I prefer not to use it as it would require me to use my image as a background and could present accessibility challenges. I am specifically looking for solutions involving clip-path.

Issue: The <rect> elements in my SVG file are not responding to changes in fillOpacity or opacity. These <rect> elements need to be animated individually, so adjusting the opacity of the entire image/SVG simultaneously is not an option. I have attempted the fixes suggested here and here, but none of them have been successful.

This project involves React, and here is the HTML and CSS code in question:

img {
  clip-path: url(#path-One);
  height: 60vw;
  <img src="" alt="Big Data" />
  <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1280.000000 673.000000">
    <clipPath id="path-One" transform="scale(1.127, 1.127)">
      <!-- Line 1: -->
      <rect width="10vw" height="10vw" fillOpacity="0" />
      <rect x="10vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="20vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="30vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="40vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="50vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="60vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="70vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="80vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <!-- Line 2: -->
      <rect y="10vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="10vw" y="10vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="20vw" y="10vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="30vw" y="10vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="40vw" y="10vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="50vw" y="10vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="60vw" y="10vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="70vw" y="10vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="80vw" y="10vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <!-- Line 3: -->
      <rect y="20vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="10vw" y="20vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="20vw" y="20vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="30vw" y="20vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="40vw" y="20vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="50vw" y="20vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="60vw" y="20vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="70vw" y="20vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="80vw" y="20vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <!-- Line 4: -->
      <rect y="30vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="10vw" y="30vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="20vw" y="30vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="30vw" y="30vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="40vw" y="30vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="50vw" y="30vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="60vw" y="30vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="70vw" y="30vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />
      <rect x="80vw" y="30vw" width="10vw" height="10vw" />

Answer №1

You have encountered a few issues:

Issues with Fill Colors and Transparency

The mask elements are currently all black, resulting in the masked image being 100% transparent. To resolve this, change the fill color of your <rect> elements to white as simply adjusting the fill-opacity from 1 to 0 will not have any effect.

svg {
  border: 1px solid red;
<h3>Working Example</h3>
<svg width="220" height="100" viewBox="0 0 220 100" xmlns="">
          <mask id="path-One">
            <g fill="#fff">
            <rect width="20" height="20" fill-opacity="0" />
            <rect y="80" x="200" width="20" height="20" fill-opacity="0" />
          <image width="100%" mask="url(#path-One)" href=""></image>

<h3>Example that Doesn't Work</h3>

<svg width="220" height="100" viewBox="0 0 220 100" xmlns="">
          <mask id="path-Two">
            <g >
            <rect width="20" height="20" fill-opacity="0" />
          <image width="100%" mask="url(#path-Two)" href=""></image>

Using SVG Masks to Mask HTML Elements

At present, only Firefox supports masking of HTML elements using inline SVG masks. As a workaround, you can dynamically convert the SVG into a data URL.

svgToMaskDataUrl( svgMask, imgMasked)

function svgToMaskDataUrl( mask, maskedEl){
  let maskSvg = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(mask)
  let dataURL = `data:image/svg+xml,`+ encodeURIComponent(maskSvg);`url(${dataURL})`;
body {
  background: #ccc;
img {
  -webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
  -webkit-mask-size: 100%;

svg {
  border: 1px solid red;
<svg id="svgMask" viewBox="0 0 220 100" xmlns="" style="width:0; height:0; position:absolute;">
  <g fill="white">
    <rect width="20" height="20" fill-opacity="0" />
    <rect y="80" x="200" width="20" height="20" fill-opacity="0" />

<img id="imgMasked" src="" alt="Your Image" />

Answer №2

If you're looking to update the clip path, consider using a mask instead of setting the image as a background. The CSS mask property can achieve the desired effect without unnecessary complications.

img {
  mask: url(#path-One);
  height: 60vw;
  <img src="" alt="Big Data" />
  <svg xmlns="" width="0" height="0">
    <mask id="path-One" fill="white">
      <!-- Line 1: -->
      <rect id="tile" width="10vw" height="10vw" transform="scale(.99)" />
      <use href="#tile" x="10vw" fill-opacity=".5"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="20vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="30vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="40vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="50vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="60vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="70vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="80vw"/>
      <!-- Line 2: -->
      <use href="#tile" x="0vw" y="10vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="10vw" y="10vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="20vw" y="10vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="30vw" y="10vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="40vw" y="10vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="50vw" y="10vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="60vw" y="10vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="70vw" y="10vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="80vw" y="10vw"/>
      <!-- Line 3: -->
      <use href="#tile" x="0vw" y="20vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="10vw" y="20vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="20vw" y="20vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="30vw" y="20vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="40vw" y="20vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="50vw" y="20vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="60vw" y="20vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="70vw" y="20vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="80vw" y="20vw"/>
      <!-- Line 4: -->
      <use href="#tile" x="0vw" y="30vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="10vw" y="30vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="20vw" y="30vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="30vw" y="30vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="40vw" y="30vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="50vw" y="30vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="60vw" y="30vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="70vw" y="30vw"/>
      <use href="#tile" x="80vw" y="30vw"/>

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