Implementing ngClass with a dynamic ID in the URL condition

I am attempting to create an ngClass condition that adds an active class to a list element. Specifically, I want it to work for both the URLs '/companies' and '/company/:id'.

The issue I am facing is that the current setup does not function properly for the '/company/:id' URL. How can I modify the condition so that it works for any 'id' instead of specifically ':id'?

<li class="nav-item" [ngClass]="{'active': menuActive === '/companies', 'active': menuActive.includes('/company')}" *ngIf="isLoggedIn">

Answer №1

When creating an object, it's crucial to avoid assigning the same property twice. If you find yourself in a situation where there is no predefined logic to follow, you can utilize code like this:

<li class="nav-item" [ngClass]="{active: menu === 'a' || menu === 'b' }"

To handle the active class conditionally in the HTML, you can modify the rule to check with the component:

<li class="nav-item" [ngClass]="{active: isActive(menu) }" *ngIf="isLoggedIn">

And within your component:

isActive(menu: string) {
  const menuWithId = /^\/companies\/[a-z0-9]+$/i;
  return menu === "/companies" || menuWithId.test(menu);

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