The Google Map is not showing all the details

Our app is developed using ReactJS on Rails API, with a Google map integrated. However, when visiting this link and clicking "Map View", some grey space appears under the Google Map.

An example image can be found here: example

We are having trouble finding a solution to fix this issue. The CSS sets the map container, but JavaScript handles the map rendering due to the tab functionality of switching between list view and map view.

We have observed that scrolling up or down causes the map to display properly without gaps in the interface.

If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to resolve this problem, please let us know as it has been causing delays for a few days now!

Thank you!

Answer №1

Ensure to call

google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize");
once you navigate to the tab and after your map has finished loading.

If the map is initially loaded within a hidden <div>, it can cause display issues.

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