Boundaries on Maps: A guide to verifying addresses within a boundary

  1. User provides address on the website.
  2. If the address falls within the defined boundary, it is marked as "Eligible". If outside the boundary, labeled as "Ineligible".

Are there any existing widgets or code snippets available to achieve this functionality? Any tips on how to get started with implementing this feature would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your insights.

Answer №1

It's interesting how some people choose to downvote instead of just providing a simple answer like "google maps javascript api v3." I guess everyone has their own way of contributing. Despite the negative feedback, I will persevere and figure it out. After spending 30 minutes searching for information with no luck, I realize that combining the google geocoder and is necessary.

To those who downvoted, thank you! Your criticism only motivates me to create an even better map script in the end.

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