What is the best way to align two buttons on the same line if they are positioned outside of an Edit form

Struggling with my Blazor app on .NET Core 7 - I can't seem to get two buttons to display on the same line.

The first button needs to be inside an edit form for submitting and inserting data,

while the second button should be outside the edit form for clearing data controls.

How can I achieve this layout?

This is what my code looks like:

 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" style="width:140px">
<button class="btn btn-primary align-top m-2" style="width:140px;"><i aria-hidden="true"></i> Clear</button>

Expected result: https://i.sstatic.net/hEZOl.png

Answer №1

arrange them side by side

<div class="inline">
  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-secondary" style="width:140px">
  <button class="btn btn-primary align-bottom p-2" style="width:140px;"><i aria- 
  hidden="false"></i> Reset</button>

Answer №2

Each button had to be surrounded by <td></td> tags, and the entire section was enclosed in a set of <table> tags as well.

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