Determine the amount of unused vertical space within a block of text

Having applied CSS to a span element:

font-height = 120px; 
height = 120px;
line-height = 120px;

The text inside the span does not completely fill the height of 120px. Is there a method to determine the offset of the text from the top and bottom boundaries?

Alternatively, is there a technique to have the text touch both the upper and lower edges of the enclosing span tag?

Here is the jsFiddle link for more information.

Answer №1

Here is a way to achieve this visually without relying on javascript:

#abc {
    margin: none;
    border: dotted 1px red;
    padding: 0;
    height: 120px;

To ensure it works properly, make sure to use display:inline-block; and adjust the font size based on your chosen font.

Check out the JsFiddle demonstration here

Answer №2

Make sure to consider all characters, not just those that fit perfectly within the span height of 120px. Characters like "j" or "Á" might not display correctly if you do not account for their size.

Here is an example of how you can adjust your HTML:

<span id="abc">jÁ / ABC</span>

and also update your CSS accordingly:

#abc {
    margin: none;
    border: dotted 1px red;
    padding: 0;
    height: 120px;

You can test this out here:

Answer №3


I have created a script that automatically adjusts the font size based on the ratio between the total height of the font-family and the uppercase letter size.

Feel free to check out the script here:


 * Calculate the ratios by hand and store in this variable form:
 * myfontlowercase + _upper_case_ratio
 var georgia_upper_case_ratio           = 1.44
 var arial_upper_case_ratio             = 1.32
 var times_upper_case_ratio             = 1.48


 $(document).ready(function() {
        //Get font family
        var ff = $(this).css('font-family').toLowerCase().split('\'').join('').split(' ').join('');

        //get ratio
        var miRatio = 1;
        try {miRatio = eval(ff+ "_upper_case_ra`tio`); } catch (e) { }

        //Get boxSize
        var boxSize = Number ($(this).css('height').split('px')[0]);

        //Calculate newSize & apply
        var newCssFontSize =  boxSize  * miRatio
        $(this).css('font-size', newCssFontSize );
        $(this).css('line-height', boxSize + "px" );

Answer №4

According to the browser, the gap visible in the jsFiddle link is actually a part of the font itself. For example, inserting a lower case g into the text would make the bottom gap disappear and align the span with the rest of the text.

Unfortunately, there is no automatic way for browsers to resize the text to remove this gap since they are unaware of the specific threshold. This means that manual adjustment through trial and error would be necessary, but this method may not work consistently across different browsers.

The most feasible solution to address this issue and eliminate the gap would involve using an image instead of text.

If you prefer not to create the image using software like Photoshop, another option is to generate the image dynamically on the front end using canvas or on the back end with a library such as GD in PHP. By generating the image dynamically, you can easily edit the pixel data to remove any whitespace around the text.

Additionally, utilizing a font replacement technology like cufon or typeface.js could potentially provide text without the gap by making some minor adjustments.

Answer №5

To achieve this effect, adjust the line-height in relation to the font-size. Then, implement display:inline-block. Keep in mind that adjustments may be necessary depending on the specific fonts being used. One method for controlling these variations is utilizing text-transform:uppercase.

See below for the code snippet:

#abc {
  font-size: 100px;
  line-height: 68.5%;
  border: dotted 1px red;

You have the flexibility to customize the font size as desired and it will still function properly. If switching to a different font, simply update the relative percentages within the line-height.

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