How can I implement a CSS property on a child class when the parent class is toggled on and off?

Looking to style a child div within a parent div that toggles classes based on a flag. The parent div can have either the .pricing-section or .new-pricing-section class. Here's the structure of the parent div:

const togglePriceSection = isPricingDetailsFeatureEnabled ? "new-pricing-section" : "pricing-section";
<div className={togglePriceSection}>
    <div className="btn btn-link btn-icon show-more-link" onClick={() => setExpanded(!expanded )}>
                        {pricesList.length > 6 && !expanded ? "Show More" : expanded ? "Show Less" :null}

The goal is to apply CSS to the div with the btn class. Attempted styling like this:

.pricing-section, .new-pricing-section {
    text-transform: none;
    margin-left: auto;

However, these styles are only being applied when the parent div has the

, not with
. How can this be resolved?

Answer №1

The usage of a comma here signifies a new selector. There appears to be an issue that needs addressing.

This styling will affect elements with the classes .pricing-section and


.new-pricing-section {
    text-transform: none;
    margin-left: auto;

To target specifically

, it is recommended to revise the CSS as shown below:

.new-pricing-section {
    text-transform: none;
    margin-left: auto;

Consider separating the new into its own class for better organization. For example, style the button as follows:

.pricing-section {
    text-transform: none;
    margin-left: auto;

For elements specific to a new pricing section, use the classes pricing-section new in your markup. This can then be targeted using

Answer №2

.pricing-section {
    // apply CSS styles if the element is a child of pricing-section
.new-pricing-section {
    // apply CSS styles if the element is a child of new-pricing-section

Answer №3

In order to make the correct selection, you will need to adjust your code slightly. The current code is selecting the parent element when it has a class of `pricing-section`, and the child element when the parent has the class `new-pricing-section`:

.pricing-section, .new-pricing-section {
    text-transform: none;
    margin-left: auto;

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