What is the best way to align inline circles created with CSS vertically as the screen size changes?

Looking for resources on how to create circles using CSS? It can be a bit tricky, but here is the code you need:


<div id="wrapper">
        <ul id="circles">
                <div class="circle"><div>K</div></div>
                <div id="column"><p>Some text here</p> </div>
                <div class="circle"><div>T</div></div>
                <div id="column"><p>Some text here</p></div>
                <div class="circle"><div>R</div></div>
                <div id="column"><p>Some text here</p></div>
                <div class="circle"><div>F</div></div>
                <div id="column"><p>Some text here</p></div>


.circle {
width: 10em;
height: 0;
padding-bottom: 10em;
border-radius: 50em;
border: 0.1em solid white;
overflow: hidden;
background: transparent;
box-shadow: 0 0 3px gray;

.cirlce div {
font-size: 7em; 
font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;

#column {
    width: 13em;   

#circles {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style: none;

#circles li {
float: left;
width:22.5% ;
margin:1.25% ;

#wrapper {
max-width: 60em;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0 5%;

I've customized this for desktop size, but when I switch to mobile, the circles overlap. How can I make them stack vertically under each other based on screen size? Any solutions?

Tried tables, but they distorted the circles into ellipses.

Thanks in advance!

Answer №1

Adjust the CSS for #circles li to remove the width and allow them to stack instead of overlapping

.circle {
    width: 10em;
    border-radius: 50%;
    overflow: hidden;
    background: transparent;
    box-shadow: 0 0 3px gray;

.circle div {
    font-size: 7em;
    font-family:'Raleway', sans-serif;

#column {
    width: 13em;
#circles {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style: none;
#circles li {
    float: left;
#wrapper {
    max-width: 60em;
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding: 0 5%;
<div id="wrapper">
    <ul id="circles">
            <div class="circle">
            <div id="column">
                <p>Some text here</p>
            <div class="circle">
            <div id="column">
                <p>Some text here</p>
            <div class="circle">
            <div id="column">
                <p>Some text here</p>
            <div class="circle">
            <div id="column">
                <p>Some text here</p>

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