Steps for styling the header of an Antd Collapse Panel

I'm attempting to modify the text color in the header of an ant panel. Below is the entire ant collapse component code:

<Collapse accordion defaultActiveKey={defaultOpenPanel}>
  <StyledCollapsePanel key="tasksAssignedToMe" header={<TasksAssignedToMeHeader />}>

  <StyledCollapsePanel key="tasksNotAssignedToMe" header="Tasks Not Assigned To Me">

  <StyledCollapsePanel key="completedTasks" header="Completed Tasks">

I'm aiming to change the text color of the header in the last two StyledCollapsePanel's.

In my stylesheet, I included the following CSS styling:

export const StyledCollapsePanel = styled(Collapse.Panel)`
  .ant-collapse-content .ant-collapse-content-box {
    padding: 0px 0px 0px 28px;
  .ant-col {
    color: 'hsl(214, 78%, 54%)';
    font-weight: 500;
    text-align: left;
    text-transform: uppercase;
  .ant-collapse > .ant-collapse-item > .ant-collapse-header > .span {
    color: 'hsl(214, 78%, 54%)';

However, the style doesn't seem to be applying. I'm unsure of what I could be doing incorrectly here. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

Recently encountered the same issue and discovered in the documentation that the header parameter should be of type ReactNode

Here is how I resolved it:

const genExtra = () => (
  <span style={{color: 'green'}}> This text is green</span>

return (
          <Collapse defaultActiveKey={['1']} ghost>
            <Panel header={genExtra()} key="1">
            <Panel header="This is panel header 2" key="2">
            <Panel header="This is panel header 3" key="3">

I hope this solution meets your requirements

Answer №2

Starting from version 5, there is no need to overwrite the class .ant-collapse-header. In version 5.0, Ant Design imports the style definition of components from the component's folder, which can be found at

import type { ComponentToken as CollapseComponentToken } from '../../collapse/style';

By visiting

You will find the component's token defined in the Interface:

type CollapseToken = FullToken<'Collapse'> & {
  collapseContentBg: string;
  collapseHeaderBg: string;
  collapseHeaderPadding: string;  // This is what you were looking for
  collapsePanelBorderRadius: number;
  collapseContentPaddingHorizontal: number;

As you scroll down, you will see that collapseHeaderPadding is assigned a value from the tokens

const collapseToken = mergeToken<CollapseToken>(token, {
    collapseContentBg: token.colorBgContainer,
    collapseHeaderBg: token.colorFillAlter,
    collapseHeaderPadding: `${token.paddingSM}px ${token.padding}px`, // This is what you need
    collapsePanelBorderRadius: token.borderRadiusLG,
    collapseContentPaddingHorizontal: 16, // Fixed value

These tokens are the Alias token Once you know the token name, you just need to overwrite the Alias token INSIDE the component token definition like this:

"components": {
        "Collapse": {
            "borderRadiusLG": 8,
            "colorBgContainer": "#EEF6F7 ",
            "colorBorder": "#ffffff",
            "collapseHeaderPadding": "8px 4px",
            "paddingSM": 8,
            "padding": 4

You can save this in a JSON file and load it into ConfigureProvider, either using CssInJS or style object and pass it to the style attribute of the Collapse Panel.

Here is the final result Custom collapse panel header

Answer №3

To identify the header class, use inspect element and apply the following style:

    color:rgb(70, 180, 30) !important;

This adjustment should resolve the issue at hand.

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