What is the best way to align a value within CardActions in Material UI?

I'm currently facing an issue with my website design. Here's a snapshot of how it looks:

Additionally, here is the code snippet related to the problem:

     fontWeight: 'bold',
     color: 'red',
    {product.price}đ  ///// the price number /////

The problem I am facing is that I want to center the price tag within the card similar to the sold button below. Initially, I tried wrapping it in a <Box> element and using textAlign, but this did not work.

Although this seems like a simple issue to resolve, I believe I might be missing something important. Despite trying various approaches to fix it, nothing has worked so far. Any assistance on this matter would be highly appreciated.

Answer №1

To properly format the price, simply add an in-line style as shown below

      fontWeight: "bold",
      color: "red",
      margin: "0px auto"
    123 dollars

Give me a thumbs up if this solution works for you.

Answer №2

One useful feature of the Typography component is its align property that allows you to easily center text by setting it to center.

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