Utilizing Loops to Generate Unique CSS Designs on an HTML Page

View reference image

->Take a look at the reference image provided.

->In the image, a for loop is used to create box designs and displayed above.

->The goal is to change the background color and border color of all boxes using a single HTML class name (as shown in the image).

->Each box should have a different border color and background color.

->Focus on the second box in the image titled "Loans". It contains "Crop Loan Admin" while others only have members. How can a condition be applied for this?

->All boxes have an arrow icon in the first row. How can a condition be set for this?

->To achieve this, check the code where separate divs are used for each box. They need to be iterated using a loop to bind names, border colors, and background colors to all boxes.


<mat-card class="mat mr-4 ml-5 p-3" fxLayout="column" fxFlex>

    <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxFlex fxLayoutGap="20px">

      <ng-container *ngFor="let item of items">

      <!-- all-items  -->

      <div fxFlex="calc(33.3% - 20px)" class="m-1 pt-3">

        <div fxLayout class="cart-styling">

          <div class="overview-cart">

            <div class="ml-5 mt-4 heading-text">{{item?.title}}</div>


          <img class="pr-5 mt-4" style="width: 90px;" alt="customer_icon" src="assets/icons/firsticon.png">


        <div class="content pl-3">


            <h6 fxLayoutAlign="space-between none" class="pb-1 pt-2 main-line border-bottom"> Members <mat-icon class="arrow-icon">arrow_right_alt</mat-icon> <span class="mr-4 value-color">1000</span></h6>

            <h6 fxLayoutAlign="space-between none" class="pb-1 line border-bottom"> Non-Members <span class="mr-4 value-color">200</span></h6>

            <h6 fxLayoutAlign="space-between none" class="pb-1 line border-bottom"> Traders <span class="mr-4 value-color">250</span></h6>

            <h6 fxLayoutAlign="space-between none" class="pb-1 line border-bottom"> Employee <span class="mr-4 value-color">40</span></h6>

            <h6 fxLayoutAlign="space-between none" class="pb-1 line border-bottom">-</h6>





      <!-- /all-items  -->





.overview-cart {

  position: relative;

  width: calc(100% - 80px);

  background-color: #5f7dff;

  overflow: hidden;

  &:after {

    content: "";

    position: absolute;

    right: -175px;

    top: 0;

    border-width: 153px;

    border-style: solid;

    border-color: transparent;

    border-top-color: #fff;

    z-index: 99;

    transform: rotate(19deg);



.cart-styling {

  width: 100%;

  justify-content: center;

  height: 30%;

  border: 1px solid #5f7dff;


.heading-text {

  font-size: 18px;

  font-weight: normal;

  color: #fff;


img {

  width: 90px;

  height: min-content;


.mat {

  height: auto;


.line {

  font-family: 'Franklin Gothic Medium', 'Arial Narrow', Arial, sans-serif;

  font-size: 14px;


.main-line {

  font-family: 'Franklin Gothic Medium', 'Arial Narrow', Arial, sans-serif;

  font-size: 14px;

  color: #0b4983;


.arrow-icon {

  line-height: 0.8;

  color: #0b4983;

  margin-right: 75%;


.value-color {

  color: #065a3d;


.content {

  background-color: #f7f7f9;


Ts file

items: any[]= [


      id : 0,

      title: 'Customer',

      submodules: {

        members: 1000,

        non_members: 200,

        traders: 250,

        employees: 40




      id: 1,

      title: 'Loans',

      submodules: {

        Crop_loan_admin: 1000,

        non_members: 200,

        traders: 250,

        employees: 40




      id: 2,

      title: 'Insurance',

      submodules: {

        members: 1000,

        non_members: 200,

        traders: 250,

        employees: 40



  // ]

  // lists: any[]=[


      id: 3,

      title: 'Inventory',

      submodules: {

        members: 1000,

        non_members: 200,

        traders: 250,

        employees: 40




      id: 4,

      title: 'Accounts',

      submodules: {

        members: 1000,

        non_members: 200,

        traders: 250,

        employees: 40




      id: 5,

      title: 'Masters',

      submodules: {

        members: 1000,

        non_members: 200,

        traders: 250,

        employees: 40




Answer №1

Assign a color property to each item

      id : 0,
      title: 'Customer',
      theme : "red", // for example 
      submodules: {
        members: 1000,
        non_members: 200,
        traders: 250,
        employees: 40

Then incorporate ngStyl in the html file (ensure correct placement of ngStyle within div)


 <ng-container *ngFor="let item of items">

      <!-- all-items  -->

      <div fxFlex="calc(33.3% - 20px)" class="m-1 pt-3" [ngStyle]="{'background-color': item.theme, 'border-color': item.theme}">

        <div fxLayout class="cart-styling">

          <div class="overview-cart">


Answer №2

To achieve this effect, you cannot rely on just one css class. However, there is a workaround:

Include a theme color for each object:

items: any[]= [
    id: 0,
    theme: '#ff0000',
    title: 'Customer',
    submodules: {
      members: 1000,
      non_members: 200,
      traders: 250,
      employees: 40
    id: 1,
    theme: '#00ff00',
    title: 'Loans',
    submodules: {
      Crop_loan_admin: 1000,
      non_members: 200,
      traders: 250,
      employees: 40

Then, bind it to the HTML:

<mat-card class="mat mr-4 ml-5 p-3" fxLayout="column" fxFlex>
    <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxFlex fxLayoutGap="20px">
      <ng-container *ngFor="let item of items">

      <div [style]="'background-color: ' + item.theme + '; border: 1px solid ' + item.theme + ';'" fxFlex="calc(33.3% - 20px)" class="m-1 pt-3">


This will apply the specified theme to each card.

Check out a live example on StackBlitz.

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