How are these background images able to remain in a fixed position like this?

Trying to name this question correctly was a bit tricky. Hopefully I got it right.

I have a new client and they want their website to have a similar feel to .

If you check out the index page and scroll down, there's this cool 'smooth animation' where blocks slide up into the background image.

Here's what I mean:

So my question is, how do I achieve this effect? Is it just an image with text on top, or is it a background image? What rules do I need in place to make this happen?

Answer №1

You have the ability to achieve this using CSS as demonstrated below.

   position: static;
    background-position: inherit;
    background-attachment: fixed;
<div class="one"></div>
<div class="two">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vehicula sem mi, at faucibus ex consequat eu. Suspendisse bibendum nulla id nisl pulvinar, a lacinia nisi imperdiet. Nam eget mi congue, lacinia augue dictum, ullamcorper ex. Donec condimentum dolor nisl, eu tincidunt lacus congue et. Duis eu libero id nunc facilisis viverra a id velit. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce in nisi eu est consectetur fringilla vitae non nunc. Cras neque elit, pharetra at ipsum at, semper laoreet eros. Nunc eu dolor blandit, varius felis vel, congue turpis. Vestibulum ullamcorper leo odio, in mattis ante pretium nec. Ut sagittis luctus lacinia. Donec vehicula ullamcorper lectus, eget pretium nisi laoreet id. Cras id laoreet nunc, ac molestie lectus. Phasellus suscipit, risus eget fringilla posuere, urna eros venenatis ante, vel finibus lorem arcu a massa. Etiam at ante massa.
Ut tempor fermentum dui sed placerat. In commodo velit at augue luctus bibendum. Aliquam ullamcorper tincidunt posuere. Sed congue sagittis est ac viverra. Cras eget lobortis leo. Donec rutrum elit purus, et sollicitudin lacus pulvinar eu. Maecenas sit amet metus nisi. Proin porta diam et rhoncus mollis. Quisque arcu leo, sagittis a iaculis gravida, pulvinar ac risus. Etiam lacinia urna nunc, eu tincidunt massa finibus id. Aliquam posuere, est at mollis rhoncus, libero neque varius dui, vel facilisis odio dolor non ante. Nullam tempor ligula non pellentesque aliquet. Donec rutrum est ac nisi tempus dapibus. Sed vel est eget nisi bibendum dapibus. In consectetur leo volutpat, pharetra dui in, consequat magna.

Answer №2

To ensure your background image stays in position, you should utilize the 'background-attachment' property as shown below:

selector { 
    background-image: url(image.extension);
    background-attachment: fixed;

You have the flexibility to overlay any content on top of the background image. As you scroll, the background will stay fixed in its place while the content moves accordingly.

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