Utilize Bootstrap form control class to enhance the appearance of WooCommerce address fields

I'm struggling to incorporate the bootstrap class "form-control" into all of the woocommerce address fields in my account and during the checkout process.

Essentially, I am attempting to apply the "form-control" class to both the billing and shipping address input fields. Despite my efforts and research on the topic documented here, I have been unable to execute this customization successfully.

In addition to exploring the aforementioned documentation, I came across another resource that discussed a similar issue regarding WooCommerce checkout fields here.

Despite my various attempts at applying recommended code snippets from these resources directly into my functions.php file, I have not observed any changes to the fields nor the addition of the desired class.

If anyone could provide some assistance with this matter, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Answer №1

give this a shot

add_filter('woocommerce_form_field_args',  'wc_form_field_args_custom',10,3);
  function wc_form_field_args_custom($arguments, $identifier, $content) {
  $arguments['input_class'] = array( 'form-control' );
  return $arguments;

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