What is the best way to align a div with a fixed width in the center, when it is positioned between two other divs within a parent

I have this HTML (technically JSX) code snippet here:

The center div with the class domain-input-parent is supposed to have a fixed width of 400px and stay centered horizontally on the screen.

This arrangement ensures that both the domain-label and icon-container elements will have equal widths.

How can I achieve this such that it works for screens of any width (>400px)?

Below is the complete HTML structure:

  <div className="domain-container">
    <div className="domain-label">
    <div className="domain-input-parent">
      <input className="domain-input" id="website-url" placeholder="    https://www.yourwebsite.com" onInput={validateDomain} onClick={validateDomain}></input>
      <p id="error-text" className={ (hideErrorText == true) ? "hidden invalid-input" : "invalid-input"}>Please enter a valid domain ex. www.example.com</p>
    <div className="icon-container">
      <img className="info-icon" src="images/info_icon.png"></img>
      <span className="tooltip-text">This is the top level website for seo radar to monitor.  We will validate the domain and will fetch the robots.txt file associated with it.  Examples: www.example.com or example.com.</span>

Please let me know if you need more information.

Answer №1

When using input and img elements, remember they do not have closing tags. Additionally, className is a JavaScript construct that can be utilized for styling. Consider utilizing flexbox for layout.



.y {width:400px}

.x {
width: calc((100% - 400px) / 2);

div{border:solid 1px black;}
<div class="domain-container">
  <div class="domain-label x">
  <div class="domain-input-parent y">
    <input className="domain-input" id="website-url" placeholder="https://www.yourwebsite.com" onInput={validateDomain} onClick={validateDomain}>
    <p id="error-text" className={(hideErrorText==true) ? "hidden invalid-input" : "invalid-input"}>Please enter a valid domain ex. www.example.com</p>
  <div class="icon-container x">
    <img class="info-icon" src="images/info_icon.png">
    <span class="tooltip-text">This is the top level website for SEO radar to monitor. We will validate the domain and fetch the associated robots.txt file. Examples: www.example.com or example.com.</span>

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