What is the best way to adjust inline svg to the user viewport size?

After working on integrating my interactive SVG maps into my HTML pages, I encountered a minor issue: when inserting my inline SVG into a standard, non-responsive HTML document, it automatically adjusts itself to fit nicely within the user's viewport. You can view it here.

However, when attempting to incorporate a Bootstrap navbar into the page, the inline SVG appears to "grow" larger than usual compared to the non-Bootstrap version. You can see the difference here.

This leads me to the question: how can I make the Bootstrap version behave like the normal version? In other words, how do I ensure that the Bootstrap version fits nicely within the user's viewport?

(Please note: the discrepancy is only visible if your browser is at maximum size; please avoid resizing your browser)

Answer №1

If you're looking to prevent your svg element from exceeding the page's height, consider adding this snippet of code that I've tested myself.

This code sets a maximum height for the svg element so it won't go beyond 100% of the page's height (minus 80px allocated for margins and menu).

max-height: calc(100vh - 80px);

As for why the height of your svg changed when using Bootstrap, it could be due to the additional elements on the page and how Bootstrap's CSS impacts their heights.

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