Splitting the string into individual characters using string.split("").map may cause layout issues on small devices

Shoutout to @pratik-wadekar for the amazing help in creating a working text animation. However, I encountered an issue when testing it on various screen sizes and mobile devices - the animated word plants breaks into pieces like PLA on one line and NTS on the next. How can I prevent this from happening and keep the word intact?

I initially attempted to use

\xC2\xA0 – non-breaking space or  
before and after the word, but this did not solve the problem. The CSS word-wrap property allows long words to break, but there isn't an option to make a word unbreakable in the reverse case.

It seems that the CSS word-break: "keep-all property would be ideal, however, even with its application, the word still gets split on smaller screens.

Check out the Codepen link

And here's the code snippet from App.tsx:

import React from "react";
import { styled } from "@mui/material/styles";
import { Typography } from "@mui/material";

const AnimatedTypography = styled(Typography)`
 & {
   position: relative;
   -webkit-box-reflect: below -20px linear-gradient(transparent, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
   font-size: 60px;

 & span {
   color: #fbbf2c;
   font-family: "Alfa Slab One", sans-serif;
   position: relative;
   display: inline-block;
   text-transform: uppercase;
   animation: waviy 1s infinite;
   animation-delay: calc(0.1s * var(--i));

 @keyframes waviy {
   100% {
     transform: translateY(0);
   20% {
     transform: translateY(-20px);

interface Styles extends React.CSSProperties {
 "--i": number;

function App() {
 const string = "plants";
 return (
   <Typography variant={"h3"} fontWeight={"bold"}>
     All Your
       {string.split("").map((char, idx) => {
         const styles: Styles = {
           "--i": idx + 1
         return (
           <span key={`${char}-${idx}`} style={styles}>
     in One Place

export default App;

Answer №1

Each and every character is enclosed within its own <span> tag, preventing it from being treated as a single word. One easy fix would be to convert the parent into a flex container:

<AnimatedText style={{display:"flex"}}>


Answer №2

Aha! I figured it out. In order to make the animation work correctly, I had to create a separate component for it and include <AnimatedTypography> with the component={"span"} attribute along with white-space: nowrap. In addition to defining my animated typography component with

const AnimatedTypography = styled(Typography)
, I also had to specify as typeof Typography to prevent Typescript errors. Check out this link for more information: Dealing with issues related to the component prop

After importing the component and incorporating it within the Typography element in my text, I was able to maintain the layout of my text while ensuring that the animation doesn't break apart into individual characters.

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