What is causing this regular expression to not find any matches in the VSCode search and replace function?

Currently utilizing VSCode for my code editing needs.

Displayed below is a screenshot illustrating the search options I have chosen: https://i.sstatic.net/ILcNv.png

The regex expression I'm attempting to use functions correctly in other platforms like regexr.com, but encounters issues within VSCode...


Link to access the HTML:


I've attempted disabling all installed extensions, however that did not resolve the issue. Below are my current VSCode settings:


Answer №1

Remember to only escape the necessary characters in your regex.

Try this:


Keep in mind that characters like -, :, and ; do not need to be escaped.

The reason for this is due to the regex being now compiled with the u modifier, allowing Unicode property classes to function properly. You can read more about it in this VSCode Github issue.

An important side effect of this change is that there are stricter rules for escaping certain characters.

When outside character classes (e.g. [...]), you must escape: ., ^, $, *, +, ?, (, ), [, {, \, and |. In contrast, inside character classes, you should always escape ] and \, while also considering special cases for characters like - and ^. For a detailed explanation, refer to What special characters must be escaped in regular expressions?.

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