Modifying the CSS design of specific columns within a table created using JavaScript

A unique way to showcase JSON data in a table is by utilizing a for loop within a function. This method, however, does not assign an ID or Class to the table.

To hide the final three columns of this table using CSS, the following code can be employed (where (n) signifies the column number):

#divIdName table tr td:nth-child(n) { 
display: none; }

#divIdName table th:nth-child(n) { 
display: none; }

In an attempt to reveal these hidden columns through JavaScript functions with queryselector, I encountered an issue where only one column was successfully displayed. The content of this lone visible column comprised concatenated headings and first row data from each of the three columns.

If you have insight on how to resolve this problem and ensure all columns are shown correctly, please share your expertise.

UPDATE: I neglected to mention that the showColumnN function includes a condition to verify the presence of a specific string within an array before proceeding with the column revelation process.

Answer №1

Only one of the hidden columns is currently being displayed

This is due to selecting only the first td and th that match those selectors, when there are likely multiple tds that match (one per row).

If you choose to continue down this path (which I advise against), you would need to iterate through them like so:

function showColumnN(n) {
    showAll(document.querySelectorAll("td:nth-child(" + n + ")"));
    showAll(document.querySelectorAll("th:nth-child(" + n + ")"));
function showAll(list) {, function(element) { = "block";

However, it may be more efficient to use a CSS approach where you can assign classes to the table for displaying specific columns:

table.show1 tr > th:nth-child(1), table.show1 tr > td:nth-child(1) {
    display: block;
table.show2 tr > th:nth-child(2), table.show2 tr > td:nth-child(2) {
    display: block;

...and so forth. Therefore, to display column 2, you would do:


(Alternatively, consider using hideX classes to hide columns and dynamically adding/removing them as needed, avoiding the need to set the display property to block.)

On a side note: The default display value for td and th elements is not block, but rather table-cell.

Answer №2

If you want to achieve the same result with less code, consider T. J. Crowders' more concise solution:

const table = document.getElementById("divIdName");
const rows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr");
rows.forEach((row) => {
  const elems = row.getElementsByTagName("td");
  for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    elems[elems.length - 4 + i].style.display = "block";

T. J. Crowders has provided a shorter alternative to accomplish this task.

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