Encountering yet another frustrating issue with z-index not functioning properly in versions of IE above 7, despite extensive research yielding no solution

I have scoured numerous resources and read countless articles on how to resolve z-index issues in IE 7, 8, and 9. However, none of the suggested solutions seem to work for my particular situation.

The issue at hand is that I have interactive content positioned in the center of a webpage which I want users to be able to interact with, but only after a delay of 2 seconds following the page load (the implementation of this delay is not where I need assistance). As a workaround, I have created a blocker - a div element placed above the animated content in the HTML document with a position set to absolute - to prevent user interaction such as mouseover animations.

While this solution functions correctly in Chrome and Firefox, it has encountered z-index-related complications in all versions of Internet Explorer.

I have ensured that every parent element has either a relative or absolute position, and have experimented with adjusting the z-index values of both parent and child containers to no avail. Has anyone else faced a similar challenge?

Unfortunately, due to confidentiality reasons, I am unable to share specific code snippets. Nonetheless, I believe I have provided enough context to convey the issue effectively.

If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to reach out.

Answer №1

While working in IE, I observed that setting parent elements to position relative and/or absolute with lower z-index values than the blocker div did not stack the blocker div over other elements as expected. Additionally, I found that setting the blocker background-color allowed proper z-index stacking, preventing interactions with lower z-index elements. However, using a transparent background for the blocker caused a bug where z-index would not stack correctly.

For those encountering similar issues in IE browsers when trying to block user interaction using an empty div, here is a workaround:

Styling (CSS)

#blocker {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    height: 200%;
    top: 0px;
    right: 0px;
    bottom: 0px;
    left: 0px;
    z-index: 9999;
    background-image: url('/cont-img/Transparent.gif');
    background-repeat: repeat;
  1. Download a transparent gif that works like opacity 0 for all IE browsers: transparent.gif
  2. Set the gif background to repeat x&y over the elements you want to block

HTML Markup

<!-- Place the empty blocker div below the content you wish to block -->
<div id="blocker"></div>

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