What could be the reason for bootstrap failing to recognize and apply my variables?

Whenever I set the text color to green using this code:

@textColor: green;

It works perfectly and changes the text color, but when I try to modify grid column width and gutter width with this code:

@gridColumnWidth:   10px;
@gridGutterWidth:   0px;
@fluidGridColumnWidth:  1%;
@fluidGridGutterWidth: 0%;

Unfortunately, there is no visible change in my layout. Can someone shed light on what might be causing this issue?

Update: I've noticed that the CSS generated appears to be correct. However, towards the bottom, there are @media (min-width: 1200px) and other similar sections which reapply the default values to the grid.

Answer №1

Many developers find Twitter Bootstrap to be poorly designed and overly cumbersome. It can be frustrating to work with, especially when customizing the responsive grid in the responsive.less file where the grid needs to be adjusted for each step manually.

Answer №2

The grid generation is hardcoded, but you have the ability to customize it by overriding certain variables like this:

@import "twitter/bootstrap";

// Customizing stylesheets
@gridColumnWidth: 10px;
@gridColumns: 16;
@fluidGridColumnWidth: 1%;

#gridSystem {
  .generate(@gridColumns, @gridColumnWidth, @gridGutterWidth) {
    // Default columns
    .span12 { #gridSystem > .columns(@gridGutterWidth, @gridColumnWidth, @gridRowWidth, 12); }
    .span13 { #gridSystem > .columns(@gridGutterWidth, @gridColumnWidth, @gridRowWidth, 13); }
    .span14 { #gridSystem > .columns(@gridGutterWidth, @gridColumnWidth, @gridRowWidth, 14); }
    .span15 { #gridSystem > .columns(@gridGutterWidth, @gridColumnWidth, @gridRowWidth, 15); }
    .container { #gridSystem > .columns(@gridGutterWidth, @gridColumnWidth, @gridRowWidth, 16); }
    // Offset column options
    .offset12 { #gridSystem > .offset(@gridColumnWidth, @gridGutterWidth, 12); }    
    .offset13 { #gridSystem > .offset(@gridColumnWidth, @gridGutterWidth, 13); }    
    .offset14 { #gridSystem > .offset(@gridColumnWidth, @gridGutterWidth, 14); }    
    .offset15 { #gridSystem > .offset(@gridColumnWidth, @gridGutterWidth, 15); }    

// Fluid grid system
// -------------------------
#fluidGridSystem {
  // Customize fluid grid
  .generate(@gridColumns, @fluidGridColumnWidth, @fluidGridGutterWidth) {
    // Row surrounds the columns
    .row-fluid {
      // Default columns
      .span13 { #fluidGridSystem > .columns(@fluidGridGutterWidth, @fluidGridColumnWidth, 13); }
      .span14 { #fluidGridSystem > .columns(@fluidGridGutterWidth, @fluidGridColumnWidth, 14); }
      .span15 { #fluidGridSystem > .columns(@fluidGridGutterWidth, @fluidGridColumnWidth, 15); }
      .span16 { #fluidGridSystem > .columns(@fluidGridGutterWidth, @fluidGridColumnWidth, 16); }

// Input grid system
// -------------------------
#inputGridSystem {
  .generate(@gridColumns, @gridColumnWidth, @gridGutterWidth) {
    .uneditable-input {
      &.span13 { #inputGridSystem > .inputColumns(@gridGutterWidth, @gridColumnWidth, @gridRowWidth, 13); }
      &.span14 { #inputGridSystem > .inputColumns(@gridGutterWidth, @gridColumnWidth, @gridRowWidth, 14); }
      &.span15 { #inputGridSystem > .inputColumns(@gridGutterWidth, @gridColumnWidth, @gridRowWidth, 15); }
      &.span16 { #inputGridSystem > .inputColumns(@gridGutterWidth, @gridColumnWidth, @gridRowWidth, 16); }

table {
  // Customize table columns
  .span13 { .tableColumns(13); }
  .span14 { .tableColumns(14); }
  .span15 { .tableColumns(15); }
  .span16 { .tableColumns(16); }

Answer №3

After struggling with this issue for a while, I finally found a simple solution that worked wonders for me. Check out the question I posted along with a detailed walk-through solution.

How to Customize Bootstrap Fluid Grid 12 Column Gutter Width

If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to me. I hope this information proves useful!

When customizing the grid system, focus on adjusting only two key variables:

@gridColumns:             12;    //total number of columns
@gridColumnWidth:         60px;  //width of each column
@gridGutterWidth:         20px;  //spacing between columns
@gridRowWidth:            (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth) + (@gridGutterWidth *         (@gridColumns - 1));

You should mainly modify the @gridColumnWidth and @gridGutterWidth variables as other percentage values are calculated based on them. For responsiveness across media query breakpoints, update these variables accordingly:

@gridColumns:             12;
@gridColumnWidth:         60px;
@gridGutterWidth:         20px;
@gridRowWidth:            (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth) + (@gridGutterWidth *         (@gridColumns - 1));

// Minimum 1200px width
@gridColumnWidth1200:     70px;
@gridGutterWidth1200:     30px;
@gridRowWidth1200:        (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth1200) + (@gridGutterWidth1200 * (@gridColumns - 1));

// 768px-979px range
@gridColumnWidth768:      42px;
@gridGutterWidth768:      20px;
@gridRowWidth768:         (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth768) + (@gridGutterWidth768 *     (@gridColumns - 1));

To modify the entire responsive grid system, adjust six specific variables. This process is not hardcoded as some may suggested.

The easiest way to customize these variables (which is equally effective as manual adjustments) is through their official website:

I believe this information will be beneficial to someone facing similar challenges!

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