Encountered a similar issue that required creating an 'invisible' header for the subitems and dynamically adjusting column widths. The solution that worked for me is as follows:
useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (openedItem) {
const hardcodeWidths = () => {
const headers = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('headerCell'));
const subTableParentRow = document.getElementsByClassName(`expandable_${openedItem}`)[0];
const subTableColumns = subTableParentRow.getElementsByClassName('subTableColumn');
headers.forEach((header, i) => {
(subTableColumns[i] as HTMLElement).style.width = `${header.clientWidth}px`;
addEventListener('resize', hardcodeWidths);
return () => {
removeEventListener('resize', hardcodeWidths);
}, [openedItem])
<Table sx={{ minWidth: 650 }} aria-label="Talaria table" >
<TableHead className={style.tableHead}>
{props.hasStickyFirstRow && <TableCell />}
{props.headers.cells.map((cell, index) => (
<TableCell className='headerCell' align="center" key={index}>{cell.displayValue}</TableCell>
{props.hasStickyFirstRow && <TableCell />}
{props.hasStickyFirstRow &&
<TableRow className={style.stickyHeader}>
<TableCell> <LockedProtected className={style.tableLockIcon}/> </TableCell>
{props.headers.cells.map((cell, index) => (
<TableCell align="center" key={index}>
{(rowsPerPage > 0
? props.rows.slice(page * rowsPerPage, page * rowsPerPage + rowsPerPage)
: props.rows
).map((row) => {
'&:last-child td, &:last-child th': { border: 0 },
...(!(props.hasStickyFirstRow) && {
cursor: 'pointer',
onClick={props.canClickRow ? () => props.onRowClick(row) : undefined}
{ props.hasStickyFirstRow && <TableCell>
aria-label="expand row"
onClick={() => setOpenedItem(openedItem === row[props.uniqueElement] ? '' : row[props.uniqueElement] )}
{openedItem === row[props.uniqueElement] ? <KeyboardArrowUpIcon /> : <KeyboardArrowDownIcon />}
{props.headers.cells.map((cell) => (
<TableCell align="center">
{ props.hasStickyFirstRow && <TableCell>
checked={row[props.uniqueElement] === props.selectedRadioRowId}
onChange={() => props.setSelectedRadioRowId && props.setSelectedRadioRowId(row[props.uniqueElement])}
// TODO: disabled // Here will need to add a logic to be disabled or maybe primary color or 'secondary' if the table is disabled
{ props.hasStickyFirstRow && <TableRow className={`expandable_${row[props.uniqueElement]}`}>
{/* TODO: when BE comes with a data format please make sure to change the keys (also up) */}
{/* Added this table cell for alignment purposes */}
<TableCell key={'dummyStartCell'} style={{padding: 0}}/>
<TableCell style={{ padding: 0 }} colSpan={props.headers.cells.length}>
<Collapse in={openedItem === row[props.uniqueElement]} timeout="auto" unmountOnExit>
<Table >
{props.headers.cells.map(() => (
<col className='subTableColumn' />
{row.rowDetails.map((rowDetails:any, key:string) => (
<TableRow key={key} className='subtableCell' sx={{ '&:last-child td, &:last-child th': { border: 0 } }} >
{props.headers.cells.map((cell, index) => (
<TableCell align="center" key={cell.key}>
{/* Added this table cell for alignment purposes */}
<TableCell key={'dummyEndCell'} style={{padding: 0}}/>
</TableRow> }