What exactly does the "data-effect" attribute refer to?

After downloading a code, I came across the following line:

<button data-effect="st-effect-4">Slide along</button>

I noticed that "st-effect-4" is a class name in the code, but I am curious to know what exactly this data-effect attribute is used for. Can anyone provide an explanation?

Answer №1

One of the benefits of HTML5 is its support for user-defined attributes, which must be prefixed with "data-". The example below demonstrates a custom attribute that holds a designated value.

Answer №2

Have you heard of Personalized Data Tags in HTML5 before?

Data tags custom-made for specific purposes within a webpage or app are known as Custom data attributes. These exclusive attributes are designed to save privately owned data on the site, with no other suitable elements or attributes available. Usage of these attributes should be limited to software that is part of the particular website only. It's possible to assign any number of personalized data attributes with unique values to every HTML element.

The main reason you won't find them on search engines is because these attributes are specifically created by users for their own use.

Answer №3

There is no specific reason for it.

In HTML5, every element has the ability to have custom "data-*" attributes that store any type of values (as long as they can be treated as strings).

It could potentially be part of a coding library or simply someone's CSS styling for elements with certain data attributes like:

button[data-effect] { background : blue; }
button[data-effect="st-effect-4"]:active { background : purple; }

Alternatively, it might be used in JavaScript as a query selector for controlling elements in a game...
The actual purpose remains a mystery!

Answer №4

Custom data attributes serve the purpose of storing exclusive data specific to the webpage or program, where there are no suitable attributes or elements available.

These attributes are meant to be utilized only within the site that implements them, not by external software applications.

Each HTML element has the flexibility to include numerous custom data attributes, each with its own unique value.

Answer №5

Mary Lou's tutorial provides insight on how to control the animation that introduces the menu. This functionality can be customized for various trigger elements, but the essential code is tied to the DIV element preceding the st-trigger-effects.

By examining the code and corresponding CSS, you have the flexibility to reassign it as needed in your projects.

I've implemented this feature within a bootstrap template for a University assignment.

source: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2013/08/28/transitions-for-off-canvas-navigations/

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