What could be causing the lack of functionality when defining a CSS role using :host ::ng-deep within an Angular component's stylesheet?

My knowledge of Angular and CSS is limited, and I am facing a problem when trying to define a CSS style for a specific component in the .css file.

If I use the following code snippet:

.p-column-title {
    display: none;

it works perfectly. However, when I tried using this code (taken from the PrimeNG showcase example):

:host ::ng-deep {
  .p-column-title {
    display: none;

The CSS style does not get applied. I'm confused as to why this is happening. As far as I know, :host ::ng-deep is supposed to make the CSS rules global, so maybe it's not appropriate to declare it like this in the CSS of a specific component.

I feel like there's a missing piece of the puzzle that I'm not understanding...

Answer №1

It seems the correct way to achieve this is:

:host ::ng-deep .p-column-title{
    visibility: hidden;

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