How can I prevent jQuery Explode from changing fonts during the explosion effect?

When you visit , click on any scholarship name. Then, click on the "close" button, and you will notice that while "exploding," the font changes from the default "Trebuchet MS/Trebuchet" to "Times New Roman." Despite trying to define the body as {font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Trebuchet;} and modifying other classes and jQuery widget classes to set the desired font family, nothing has seemed to work. Please examine the source code, and I welcome any suggestions you may have.

Thank you!

Answer №1

When the "explode" effect is utilized, it essentially generates multiple duplicates of the item being animated and then adds the effects to those duplicates. These duplicates are connected to the root <body> element. The issue with your CSS seems to be that the font-family is specified on the #center_wrapper div, which does not affect the duplicates, resulting in them appearing as default unstyled text.

In my experience, setting the font on the body instead resolved this problem. It's possible that your browser was holding onto the old CSS information?

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