Enhancing interactivity with jQuery's ajax event functionality

Alright, let me share my code with you:

$("#content_Div").ajaxStart(function () {
    $(this).css('cursor', 'wait')
}).ajaxComplete(function () {
    $(this).css('cursor', 'default')

I'm facing a simple issue: the cursor changes to the hourglass immediately on ajaxStart, but it doesn't switch back to default until I move the mouse. Interestingly, I found out that if you click after ajaxComplete, the cursor changes back to default. This happens because after ajaxComplete, clicking triggers the change in cursor, not just moving the mouse. What I really want is for the cursor to change without needing any extra clicks or movements.

My aim is to use the cursor as an indicator for when the request is finished.

Thank you in advance!

For Thomas:

function DF() { //Deletes selected File
if (selectedfiles.length == 0) {
    alert("No file selected!");
var selectedtxt = (selectedfiles.length == 1) ? "'" + basename(selectedfiles[0]) + "'?" : 'these ' + selectedfiles.length + ' files?';
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete " + selectedtxt)) {
    $.each(selectedfiles, function () {
        $.post("server/editfile.php", {
            user: user,
            oper: "del",
            path: "../" + this
        }, function (res) {
            if (res) {
            else LT(dirHistory[current]);


Answer №1

It seems that the user must move the cursor to trigger a change, but there is another issue as well. If the user moves the cursor away from the #content_Div, they will not be able to see if the data is loading or not, since the CSS only applies when hovering over that specific DIV element.

An effective way to clearly indicate that data is being fetched, regardless of user interaction, is to use an animated gif, text like "Loading....", or both. This solution is less intrusive than altering the user's cursor.

One option is to append a loading image to the div where the data will appear when requested, and this image will disappear once the data has loaded. For example:

$("#content_Div").ajaxStart(function () {
    $("#content_Div").append('<img src="loading.gif" />');

In this scenario, ajaxStop is unnecessary because the loaded data takes the place of the image.

Here is a jsFiddle example using both an image and text for loading indication.

jsFiddle with multiple buttons and a loading div at the center of the page.

Answer №2

It has been five hours since I posted this question and no one has attempted to answer it yet. So, I will share what I have discovered.

This issue seems to be a bug specific to Google Chrome and Safari. Here is the link to the Chromium bug report.

In all other browsers, you can change the mouse cursor dynamically without requiring the user to click or move the mouse.

Unfortunately, this behavior contradicted my original intention of informing the user when a request was completed. If the user removed their hand from the mouse and waited for the cursor to change, they would wait indefinitely. There doesn't seem to be a fix for this as the bug remains unconfirmed according to the provided link. I couldn't find a workaround either, so here is what I ended up doing:

$("#content_Div").ajaxStart(function () {
    if(!$.browser.safari)//ignores ajaxStart if browser is safari or chrome
    $(this).css('cursor', 'wait')
}).ajaxComplete(function () {
    $(this).css('cursor', 'default')

Answer №3

I prefer handling it in a more refined manner:

  $("html").on("ajaxStart", function(){  
   }).on("ajaxStop", function(){  


html.busy, html.busy * {  
  cursor: wait !important;  


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