CSS Transform animation does not work when a class is added programmatically, although it functions properly when toggling the class in Chrome

Attempting to create an animation for the transform of a div.

Below is the code with transition and transform properties in Safari:

    transition: all 2.3s cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1);
    transform: scale(0.5);
    transform: scale(1)  !important;

The div does not initially have the visible-popup class, and I am using jQuery's addClass method to add it. However, the scaling jumps to 100% without animating. Interestingly, manually toggling the class property in Chrome or manipulating the DOM in the inspector leads to a smooth animation. Why doesn't it animate when switching the class programmatically?

Answer №1

Check out this sample scenario, I'm not sure of the specifics of your task, but this should help:



Answer №2

Fascinating discovery! The container div of #mydiv had a peculiar class called vanish that surprisingly had no impact whatsoever. After deleting this seemingly useless class (confirmed in the style inspector), my animation suddenly began functioning as intended.

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