Adjust the dimensions of the thead, tbody, and td elements on the fly

I've implemented this property in a .css file on the table shown below and there are 9 records.

   .fixed tbody td, thead th {
    width: 5.2%;
    float: left;

In my scenario, when there are 4 columns, the width should be 23.2%; for 5 columns, it should be 18.2%; for 6 columns, 16.2%; for 7 columns, 14.2%; and for 8 columns, 12.2%. However, more columns may be added in the future. How can I dynamically manage the column widths without them increasing or decreasing sequentially?

Answer №1

If you're looking to assign an equal width to each column in a table without knowing the number of columns beforehand, there's a simple solution.
Simply divide the total width of the table by the number of columns present.


  // Specify the table to target.
  var table = $("table.fixed")

  // Get the width of the table.
  var tableWidth = table.width();

  // Collect the cells in the first row.
  var firstRowTdCollection = table.find("tr").first().find("td");

  // Determine the number of columns.
  var columnCount = firstRowTdCollection.length;

  // Calculate the desired width based on the table width and column count.
  var widthToApply = tableWidth / columnCount;

  // Apply the calculated width to the cells in the first row (no need to apply to other rows).

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