Problem with jQuery image gallery

Currently, I am in the process of creating a simple image gallery that enlarges an image when it is clicked. To achieve this functionality, I am utilizing jQuery to add and remove classes dynamically.

$(".image").click(function() {
    $(this).addClass("big").removeClass("image").css("position", "fixed").animate({
        height: '480px',
        width: '717px',
        top: '5%',
        left: '50%',
        marginLeft: '-358px',
        borderWidth: '40px',
        zIndex: '100'
    }, "slow");
$(".big").click(function() {
    $(this).removeClass("big").addClass("image").css("position", "auto").animate({
        height: '234px',
        width: '350px',
        top: 'auto',
        left: 'auto',
        marginLeft: '0px',
        borderWidth: '0px',
        zIndex: 'auto'
    }, "slow");

However, I have encountered an issue where the removal of the image class and addition of the big class works fine, but reversing this process is not functioning as expected. Can anyone point out what mistake I might be making?

Answer №1

When loading a page initially with no elements having a specific class, it is best to delegate the event handling to a higher element using event delegation. This way, the event will be attached to a parent element that exists on the page, and will pass the event to any dynamically created elements later.

For example:

$("body").on('click', '.big', function() {
    $(this).removeClass("big").addClass("image").css("position", "auto").animate({
        height: '234px',
        width: '350px',
        top: 'auto',
        left: 'auto',
        marginLeft: '0px',
        borderWidth: '0px',
        zIndex: 'auto'
    }, "slow");

In this code snippet, the body element is used as the parent for event delegation since the closest element was not specified in the provided HTML. This means that the body element will listen for click events and trigger the appropriate action if the click occurs on an element with the class of big.

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