Position pictures in the same row in a straight line

I am struggling to align a set of images properly. The screenshot below shows the current layout:

My goal is to have all four images lined up in a single row, with any additional images starting on a new row.

I have attempted various methods, but none have proven successful. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions from experienced users.

Additionally, each image includes a simple animation:

            $(this).stop().animate({opacity: 0.75, marginTop: -10}, 400);
            $(this).stop().animate({opacity: 1.0, marginTop: 0}, 400);

Answer №1

If you want all your images to line up perfectly without pushing elements outside of the DOM (which can happen when using Floats), try using display: inline-block; along with vertical-align: top;

Here's an example:

img {
    display: inline-block; // This will align your items side-by-side
    vertical-align: top; // Inline-block sets your vertical alignment to baseline by default

I hope this solution helps you achieve the layout you desire!

Answer №2

Could you kindly share the HTML code containing the images? Typically, you can insert them by using the CSS style "float: left" and ensuring that there is sufficient width available (consider the container's padding and image margins when calculating the available width).

Answer №3

It seems like your images may not be fitting properly within their container in your code. When elements are floated and the space runs out, they are pushed down to the next row. One solution could be to remove any right margins applied to the images as suggested by @davidpauljunior. If that doesn't work, you can try reducing the size of the images by adjusting the width and height values by 90% (or as needed) and adding

background size: 90%;

to the image containers. If the images are inline, even better. You can simply use

img {

and remove any specified dimensions on the inline element. Hopefully, this will resolve the issue.

Answer №4

To resolve the issue, implement float:left in your CSS code.

  • Visit this link for more information.

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