How can you quickly check an element's visual properties following a CSS modification?

I am facing an issue where I want to modify the appearance of an element in an HTML page using CSS and then immediately check its visual properties. However, the changes specified in the CSS are not applied instantly, but rather after a delay.


.node {
    width: 10px;


// Creating an element
var item = document.createElement("div");
item.className = "node";


When logging the clientWidth as shown above, the expected output should be 10, yet it returns NaN if requested right away (but does show 10 after a brief delay).

Attempting to use getComputedStyle() produces similar outcomes:

var style = getComputedStyle(item);

The initial result is an empty string, which later corrects itself to "10px" after a short pause.

I believe I may need to wait for the browser's re-layout before accessing the property. Is there a way to prompt the browser to calculate the dimensions of the element without delays? Or perhaps that would not be recommended; is there a direct method to retrieve the width property from the CSS?

In other words, what would be the most effective approach in this situation?

Note: I am attempting to refrain from utilizing jQuery or any additional libraries here.

Answer №1

Instead of directly accessing the width, try using the computedStyle property.

var computedStyle = document.defaultView ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null) : element.currentStyle;

After that, you can retrieve the width by logging:

console.log( computedStyle.width);

For a visual example, check out:

Answer №2

It is important to note that the browser must undergo a reflow before the effects of any changed properties can be determined. JavaScript execution occurs within the browser's internal event loop, and the reflow will only occur after the current event's JS code has been fully executed.

To address this issue, one possible solution is to utilize setImmediate(). This allows for the queuing of a new event to be handled "as soon as possible", effectively allowing for a reflow to take place before continuing with the rest of the code:

var newElement = document.createElement("div");
newElement.className = "node";

setImmediate(function() {

It is worth mentioning that setImmediate is not widely supported by most popular browsers at the moment. As an alternative, you can use setTimeout with a minimal delay of 0:

setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);

For a demonstration, refer to this working example:

Additionally, keep in mind that any code following the setTimeout block will execute prior to the code inside the block, before the end of the current 'frame', and consequently, before the reflow.


The mentioned solution by jAndy emphasizes the use of getComputedStyle to address the initial problem. In such cases, where only reading the CSS property value is required, a reflow may not be necessary.

Utilizing getComputedStyle becomes imperative when the style rule was not set via JavaScript. Unlike, getComputedStyle considers external CSS rules and default browser styles as well.

In certain scenarios, getComputedStyle may not suffice, requiring a reflow for accurate values, as seen withs relative dimensions and positions. For instance, if the width is specified as 50% but needs to be determined in pixels, a reflow is essential (in which setTimeout proves beneficial). Conversely, if verifying that the width was set to "50%" is the goal, employing getComputedStyle is ideal.

Answer №3

One possible approach could be to implement a setTimeout function to introduce a half second delay prior to verifying the width.

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