My goal is to adjust a page's size to match the dimensions of a mobile screen

Trying to create a mobile-optimized page with an image on one side and an iframe form on the other. However, the elements are getting pushed to the right on phones, especially with a long header. Have tried various combinations of "meta viewport" without success. Is this achievable or am I overlooking something? Thank you! Due to large amount of code, unsure what to include here.

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Answer №1

It seems like you don't want the form to be positioned above the div with the image and paragraph for a better appearance.

The main issue lies in the image. To improve it, remove the width and height properties from the image and use CSS to set the width as a percentage.

<img src="" border="0" style="width:100%;">

In terms of the form, it appears too wide. I recommend moving the last name input below the first name and reducing the size of the email input box. However, if the iframe is from a third party, there may be limitations unless CORS is enabled.

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