What could be causing an unidentified term to be included in the Vue SCSS compilation process

In my Vue application with TypeScript, I encountered an error during compilation that reads as follows:

Failed to compile.

./src/style.scss (C:/../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!C:/.../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!C:/.../node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!./src/style.scss)
Module build failed (from C:/.../node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):

(10:14) Unknown word

   8 | 
   9 |   @if $point == big {
> 10 |     @media #{$bp-big} {
     |              ^
  11 |       @content;
  12 |     }

I'm confused as to why SCSS is not recognizing variables. What does the "Unknown word" message mean and how could I resolve this issue?

This snippet shows how my app.vue looks like:


<style lang="scss">
@import url('./style.scss');

Here's the mixin definition inside style.scss:

@mixin bp($point) {
  $bp-xsmall: '(min-width: 320px)';
  $bp-teeny: '(min-width: 480px)';
  $bp-tiny: '(min-width: 600px)';
  $bp-small: '(min-width: 650px)';
  $bp-medium: '(min-width: 800px)';
  $bp-big: '(min-width: 1000px)';

  @if $point == big {
    @media #{$bp-big} {
  } @else if $point == medium {
    @media #{$bp-medium} {
  } @else if $point == small {
    @media #{$bp-small} {
  } @else if $point == tiny {
    @media #{$bp-tiny} {
  } @else if $point == teeny {
    @media #{$bp-teeny} {
  } @else if $point == xsmall {
    @media #{$bp-xsmall} {

Answer №1

After making extensive modifications to the <style> section of my file, I encountered a persistent error labeled as "Unknown word." Interestingly, this error persisted even though no changes were reflected in the git diff. Strangely enough, removing the <style> section entirely did not resolve the issue.

Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the problem stemmed from poorly compiled SCSS files.


For users of Nuxt, executing the following command solved the issue:

$ npx nuxi cleanup

Alternatively, for those not using Nuxt, the above command effectively removes the specified directories:


Subsequently running the application resulted in smooth operation thereafter.

This solution proved consistently effective upon repeated testing of the same issue.

Answer №2

Have you included the sass-loader and vue-style-loader in your build process?

Ensure they are added to your modules section of the webpack.config.js

    test: /\.scss$/,
    use: [

If there are issues, it might be related to your webpack configuration rather than TypeScript integration. Can you share your webpack.config file for further analysis?

Instead of importing styles within the <style> tag in App.vue, consider importing them in your main.js like so:

import './styles.scss';

But remember, the correct loaders must still be set up appropriately.

Answer №3

By updating the code from @import url('./style.scss'); to @import './style.scss';, you can resolve the error at hand.

When working on a Vue.js project, choosing to use @import './style.scss'; over @import url('./style.scss'); allows for the utilization of a more contemporary SCSS import syntax.

The reason behind this modification's effectiveness:

Webpack and SCSS Loader Integration: Vue.js projects typically leverage Webpack in conjunction with a SCSS loader to manage SCSS files. The SCSS loader is well-equipped to handle SCSS imports seamlessly.

Efficient File Resolution: In current SCSS configurations, omitting url() when importing SCSS files proves advantageous as the SCSS loader can autonomously resolve and incorporate the file accurately.

Enhanced Simplicity and Uniformity: Opting for @import './style.scss'; stands out for its simplicity and synchronization with contemporary SCSS methodologies. This results in maintaining a consistent codebase, facilitating streamlined maintenance procedures and diminishing error susceptibility.

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