What are the best methods for efficiently extracting web page content that is nested within HTML pages under the `<body>` tag?

Is there a way to easily extract embedded content like images, PDFs, videos, and documents from HTML web pages without including CSS, CSS background images, or JavaScript?

I am in the process of migrating content from an old site to a new site and need to re-upload all images, linked PDFs, videos, etc.

Answer №1

For those who are familiar with XHTML, a standard XML-Parser can be utilized.

Answer №2

The Python BeautifulSoup library is a fantastic tool for parsing data and performing various operations.

Answer №3

If you want to achieve that, you'll require an HTML parsing tool. In the realm of Perl programming, you can make use of the HTML::Parser module.

Answer №4

  • One helpful tool for inspecting elements on a webpage in read-only mode is the Firebug addon for Firefox.
  • If you need to create a custom application, consider utilizing the HTML Agility Pack available at:

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