Show two spans, each underneath the other

I am looking to showcase two span elements, one below the other. Take a look at my HTML code snippet

<img class="profile-photo margin-0"
            ng-src="{{question.profilePicId ? question.profilePicId : defaultUserAvatar}}"/>
<span ng-if="!question.isOpen" class="margin-left-10 title"
            ng-bind="question.title | translate"></span>
<span ng-if="!question.isOpen"

Despite trying to utilize <div> tag with properties like display: inline, float: left, and clear: left, it didn't yield the desired outcome.

Answer №1

To change the default display of span from inline to block, simply add the CSS rule display: block

.title {display:block}
<span class="margin-left-10 title">hello</span>

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