Enhance the appearance of a button in Rails by incorporating custom styles or images

I am currently working with Rails and I am curious if there are any simple ways to enhance the appearance of the button_to control.

Is it possible to style the

<%= submit_tag 'Log in' %>


<%= button_to "Show Me", {:controller => 'personal', :action => "add" } %>

It would be nice to change the color.... Bonus points for instructions on how to turn it into an image

Answer №1

When incorporating an image into your design, it's essential to consider the user experience. Using link_to over button_to ensures that the visual appeal of a button is not lost on the user. A simple way to link an image is by combining link_to with image_tag:

<%= link_to image_tag("rails.png"), {:controller => 'foo', :action => "bar" } %>

If you find yourself needing to use button_to, you can still add styling by assigning a CSS class:

 <%= button_to "Show Me", {:controller => 'personal', :action => "add" }, {:class => "buttonTo" } %>

Answer №2

In addition to the helpful suggestion from Mike about using a pre-defined :class, another option is to use :style and define the CSS inline. This can be very useful if you need to create your style dynamically:

<%= link_to "Click Here", {:controller => 'users', :action => "profile" }, {:style => "color: #{user.fav_color}" } %>

(Here, user refers to an instance of a model that has stored a favorite color in the fav_color attribute.)

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