Ways to correct inverted text in live syntax highlighting using javascript

My coding script has a highlighting feature for keywords, but unfortunately, it is causing some unwanted effects like reversing and mixing up the text. I am seeking assistance to fix this issue, whether it be by un-reversing the text, moving the cursor to the end of the contenteditable div, or simply correcting the problem altogether using only JavaScript and jQuery.

Visit my code snippet on jsfiddle

Below is the JavaScript code:

function UnColor() {
    var elem = document.getElementById("editor");
    var text = elem.textContent;
    elem.innerHTML = text;

function Color() {
    var elem = document.getElementById("editor");
    var code = elem.innerHTML;
    code = code.replace("var","<span style='color:dodgerblue'>var</span>");
    code = code.replace(/"(.*?)"/g,"<span style='color:green'>&quot;$1&quot;</span>");
    code = code.replace(/&lt;(.*?)&gt;/g,"<span style='color:#F90'>&lt;$1&gt;</span>");
    elem.innerHTML = code;


Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Answer №1

If you're experiencing the issue of the cursor moving while editing, there is a solution to fix it. Simply retrieve the cursor's position using the selectionStart property of your editor textbox and then set the selectionEnd property to that value after performing the replacement function.

For more detailed information on selectionStart and selectionEnd, refer to this answer.

Below is a sample code snippet taken from this answer to help you implement this fix:

document.getElementById('target').addEventListener('input', function (e) {
  var target = e.target,
      position = target.selectionStart; // Capture initial position
  target.value = target.value.replace(/\s/g, '');  // This triggers the cursor to move.
  target.selectionEnd = position;    // Set the cursor back to the initial position.
<p>The method <code>.replace()</code> will move the cursor's position, but you won't notice this.</p>
<input type="text" id="target" />

Answer №2

The error occurs because the textContent of the editor id is being assigned to its innerHTML. To fix this issue, simply change the variable name in the JavaScript code provided below:

function UnColor() {
    var elem = document.getElementById("editor");
    var text = elem.textContent;
    var elem2;
    elem2.innerHTML = text;

function Color() {
    var elem = document.getElementById("editor");
    var code = elem.innerHTML;
    code = code.replace("var","<span style='color:dodgerblue'>var</span>");
    code = code.replace(/"(.*?)"/g,"<span style='color:green'>&quot;$1&quot;</span>");
    code = code.replace(/&lt;(.*?)&gt;/g,"<span style='color:#F90'>&lt;$1&gt;</span>");
    var elem2;
    elem2.innerHTML = code;


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